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Research Related Awards and Honours:

Research Scholar Junior 2 (2014-17)

Research Scholar Junior 1 (2009-13)

Alfred B Grossman Award (2011)

Grants/Funding History:

Rochette A. & StrokEngine team (2014-15). One time

grant for the website

. Vice-Presi-

dent, Research, Creation and Innovation, Université de

Montreal ($15,000).

Rochette A, Swaine B, Kehayia E & Roche L. (2014). Ex-

ploring the impact of training for shopping centre work-

ers who interact with people who have functional

limitations. Structuring and Innovation Project Centre

of Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation (PSI-

CRIR) ($15,000).

Annie Rochette, Yan Deschaintre, Laurie Chamelian &

Lucie Hébert et Philippe Gaulin (2011-14). Stroke trig-

gers according to a phenomenological perspective.

Quebec Heart Disease Foundation ($45,000).

Research Collaboration:

Collaborations with senior re-

searchers who assure a form of mentorship and do not hes-

itate to offer constructive feedback. They know how to be

critical and insightful when it comes to pertinence, scientific

quality and feasibility of research projects. Collaborations

with health practitioners and managers who reflect the re-

ality of the clinical environment, allow one to see the chal-

lenges related to applying knowledge gained from research,

and the possible results of our work.

To view this profile in its entirety, please click

h e r e ( h t t p : / / w w w . a c o t u p - chette%20%28Universite%20de%20Montreal%29.pdf)

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To stay current with

what’s happening at McGill’s School of Physical

& Occupational Therapy (SPOT), check out the

School’s website

or join the group on

Facebook or LinkedIn.

McGill alumni who attended the CAOT Conference in

May, in Winnipeg, had a great time re-connecting and en-

joying the snack and refreshments at the McGill Alumni

Reunion wine and cheese!

Worth mentioning they might have been celebrating

the naming of Dr. Isabelle Gélinas, Director of the Gradu-

ate Program at McGill’s SPOT (photo, centre, with Lori Cyr,

CAOT President on the left and Janet Craik, CAOT Execu-

tive Director on the right) as next year’s Muriel Driver Me-

morial Lecturer. (photo credit: CAOT)